To support and strengthen families as centers of faith, Our Lady of Perpetual Help offer a variety of programs and activities.
The Parish and Family Life Committee is concerned with creating a strong family community within the Parish, fostering a sense of belonging and offering a warm welcome to all.
Echoing the early church's understanding of the value of the family, the Second Vatican Council, has bestowed on families the beautiful and deserved title, "the domestic church". As the church of the home, families are places of faith, joy, hope and love and are integral to the mission of the universal church.
A vibrant and supportive parish life and family life are important elements in living the gospel life of Jesus. The Lord was born in a family and nurtured in a family. The Lord reached out and called disciples to be a community of faith that included celebrations, prayer and eating at table. Parish family life would help to bring together the parish family; provide support and enrichment to the parents and families of the parish community; reach out to the wider community; welcome newcomers.
This committee meets the first Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. in Parish Hall meeting rooms.
Chairperson: Kate Fuller
(614) 330-0129
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