Our Faith Formation Program (K-8) for Portage North Parishes (Our Lady of Perpetual Help, St Ambrose, St Joan of Arc, and St Joseph) will be offered at two locations - Aurora and Mantua. Parishioners from any of the four parishes may choose a Faith Formation option from the two locations that best suits your family's need for the school year.
Mantua (St Joseph Parish)
Aurora (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
In-person attendance at each Faith Formation session helps to form your child's Catholic spiritual growth and provides a firm foundation for faith and the graces of the Sacraments. Please make every effort for your child to attend each session. Circumstances do arise when your child will be unable to attend. For these times, the At-Home Family Program option will be available for your child to complete.
Additionally, for all children preparing to receive a Sacrament (First Reconciliation, First Communion, or Confirmation), two (2) years of consecutive religious education is needed. Traditionally this means:
First Reconciliation and First Communion - participation in 1st and 2nd grade Faith Formation
Confirmation - participation in 7th and 8th grade Faith Formation.
If you have experienced other circumstances or obstacles that have prevented this consecutive two (2) year requirement, please reach out to us.
It is of utmost importance to understand that our Catholic education flows from the most powerful prayer of the Church: the Mass. It is from the Mass that we learn who we are as Catholics, as God’s children, and where we receive God’s Grace most especially in the Eucharist. When we connect together in the worship of God in the Church, hear His Word, and receive Him sacramentally in the Eucharist, we truly become Christ’s Body on earth. Parents, as primary and first catechists of your children, pass on the faith most effectively by living the Catholic way of life. As the ones who first brought your children to the waters of baptism and new life in Christ, we kindly ask that you please make every effort to attend Mass weekly with your children.
We are happy to offer some special events to help bring parents and children together through more opportunities for hospitality, such as lunches, dinners, ice cream, summer programming, and more.
We thank you for your cooperation and hope you share our excitement. Please reach out to us with any questions.
Your Faith Formation Team Members
Fr Francis Katrinak (Pastor), Fr Brian Smith (Parochial Vicar),
Jennifer Berczik (Mantua), Jeff Botos (Aurora),
Carly Crane (Aurora), Joann Poremba (Aurora)
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